THC has long been considered synonymous with marijuana. However, let us try to understand this component of marijuana in greater detail. THC is the chemical component in marijuana, which is responsibleTHC has long been considered synonymous with marijuana. However, let us try to understand this component of marijuana in greater detail. THC is the chemical component in marijuana, which is responsible for the high it provides on consumption. THC is a type of cannabinoid, which are chemical compounds found in ample amounts in the marijuana ... Read More ›
Researchers have stated that cannabinoids like Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) and Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) are two important cannabinoids that have a noticeable effect on the human body. Out of all theResearchers have stated that cannabinoids like Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) and Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) are two important cannabinoids that have a noticeable effect on the human body. Out of all the effects experienced by people who smoke weed, the most prominent of them is an increase in hunger. It’s a perfect medical use for people who have strong nausea ... Read More ›
Hemp and weed look so similar, that sometimes legal transporters of raw hemp have been detained on cannabis possession charges. It may sound strange but it is true, especially where Adult-Use or recreationalHemp and weed look so similar, that sometimes legal transporters of raw hemp have been detained on cannabis possession charges. It may sound strange but it is true, especially where Adult-Use or recreational cannabis is not legalized. There is a good reason they look so similar to each other; both hemp and cannabis are ... Read More ›