Although Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana program is still in its infancy, patients in Allentown, Pa., can get ready for the program to take full effect in early 2018. The state will require patients to prove they qualify for medical marijuana use by meeting with a state-approved medical practitioner.
Once your condition is verified, you will receive a medical marijuana card as soon as it becomes available. This will give you access to approved dispensaries in the state.
The medical marijuana program is new, but the state has determined which conditions they feel qualify for medical cannabis use. These are debilitating conditions that often have no other recourse, including:
All conditions listed above need to be verified by a state-certified physician. If your primary care physician has not yet registered with the state, you may need to make an appointment at another practice for your medical marijuana evaluation.
These appointments are not “one and done” — you need to create a bona fide relationship with your certifying physician. They’ll need access to all your medical records and will only recommend cannabis use if they feel it’s the best treatment course for you.
Once they recommend you with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, you’re now ready to apply for your medical marijuana card with the DOH. Be sure to check their website, as they’re constantly updating patients on the program’s advances.
As the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program kicks off, local doctors in Allentown are already registering with the state to approve medical marijuana use for their patients. Ask your doctor if they can certify your cannabis use. If they can’t, you’ll need to find another physician in your region. wants to make sure you have access to local certifying physicians in your area. Check our Find A Doctor tab to locate a medical practice near you.