Many people take having the ability to absorb nutrients and a healthy digestive system for granted. But, for those who have gastritis, life isn’t as simple. And, if you have the condition, you know itMany people take having the ability to absorb nutrients and a healthy digestive system for granted. But, for those who have gastritis, life isn’t as simple. And, if you have the condition, you know it can be a life-altering impairment and dramatically reduce your day-to-day quality of life. The good news: now, you can add ... Read More ›
Patients with gastritis have a new alternative to conventional treatments: cannabidiol (CBD). Find out how this compound can relieve inflammation and other gastritis symptoms. What Is Gastritis? GastritisPatients with gastritis have a new alternative to conventional treatments: cannabidiol (CBD). Find out how this compound can relieve inflammation and other gastritis symptoms. What Is Gastritis? Gastritis happens when your stomach lining becomes swollen or inflamed. You can have an acute case of the condition that goes away after a short time. However, in ... Read More ›
If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you are not alone. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, GERD affects about 20 percent of the population. GERD is notIf you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you are not alone. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, GERD affects about 20 percent of the population. GERD is not a comfortable condition to live with, and it can significantly reduce an individual’s quality of life. If untreated, GERD can lead to ... Read More ›
Everyone has had an upset tummy before. However, some people experience severe and chronic nausea and vomiting due to certain conditions such as gastroparesis, and this gets in the way of living a qualityEveryone has had an upset tummy before. However, some people experience severe and chronic nausea and vomiting due to certain conditions such as gastroparesis, and this gets in the way of living a quality life. Thankfully, medical marijuana and gastroparesis treatment is available and could be a good option for you to help ease your ... Read More ›
Vomiting, nausea and feeling full even if you’ve only eaten a little food may be signs that you suffer from a condition known as gastroparesis. This rare disorder prevents the stomach from emptying properlyVomiting, nausea and feeling full even if you’ve only eaten a little food may be signs that you suffer from a condition known as gastroparesis. This rare disorder prevents the stomach from emptying properly leading to a whole slew of gastrointestinal issues. Symptoms of Gastroparesis Doctors aren’t always sure what causes patients to develop gastroparesis. ... Read More ›
Genital herpes, also known as herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) is a virus that commonly occurs near the sex organs and then spreads through close personal contact. Genital herpes is a sexually transmittedGenital herpes, also known as herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) is a virus that commonly occurs near the sex organs and then spreads through close personal contact. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least one out of every six people between the ages of ... Read More ›
From 1970 onward, studies have been showing that medical marijuana is helping more and more patients manage the symptoms of glaucoma. Glaucoma patients can turn to medical marijuana to help manage symptomsFrom 1970 onward, studies have been showing that medical marijuana is helping more and more patients manage the symptoms of glaucoma. Glaucoma patients can turn to medical marijuana to help manage symptoms ranging from nausea that stems from glaucoma to the intraocular pressure that can do permanent damage to the eyes. Learn what glaucoma is, ... Read More ›
Cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) help glaucoma patients relieve their symptoms. Discover how CBD works to reduce the effects of this condition. What Is Glaucoma? Eyes contain intraocular fluid, whichCannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) help glaucoma patients relieve their symptoms. Discover how CBD works to reduce the effects of this condition. What Is Glaucoma? Eyes contain intraocular fluid, which maintains pressure and the eye’s shape. A healthy eye creates and drains this fluid in a way that keeps the amount consistent. Glaucoma affects intraocular fluid ... Read More ›
If you’ve heard marijuana can treat brain cancer like glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), your first reaction might be disbelief. However, researchers have been studying the tumor-killing properties ofIf you’ve heard marijuana can treat brain cancer like glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), your first reaction might be disbelief. However, researchers have been studying the tumor-killing properties of two of the plant’s primary cannabinoids — THC and CBD — and the research looks promising. Not only that, but medical marijuana and glioblastoma multiforme can also provide ... Read More ›
Medical cannabis is a medicinal herb used for thousands of years to help individuals treat a wide range of ailments. In fact, it even dates back to the Stone Age, more than 10,000 years ago. Historically,Medical cannabis is a medicinal herb used for thousands of years to help individuals treat a wide range of ailments. In fact, it even dates back to the Stone Age, more than 10,000 years ago. Historically, individuals used the herb for pain, cramping, mental issues, insomnia, inflammation and more. These days, since the medical community ... Read More ›