
Rare “THCV” Now Available After 50 Years

Mary Ekundayo

Posted by Mary Ekundayo on 11/30/2023 in Medical Marijuana


When we talk about cannabis components, we only speak about THC or CBD. THC is the component responsible for the psychotic effects or the “high”, while CBD is responsible for the medical benefits. Looking further into the components of cannabis, we can note that cannabis comprises many cannabinoids and one of them is the rare tetrahydrocannabivarin THCV, which was discovered barely 50 years ago. 

In many cases, rarity mirrors functional specialty in terms of value, and THCV is no stranger to that reality. After it was discovered by researchers at the University of Oxford, in the 1970s, several benefits of THCV were established. This article aims to explore THCV in terms of its composition, bio-mechanics, uses, and its deeper benefits. Let’s get started! 

What is THCV? 

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is a rare cannabinoid that can be synthesized from the cannabis plant or other plants. We can get THCV when we add heat to THCVA. It is important to note that THCV is not prevalent in a lot of cannabis plants because the enzymes that convert CBGVA  to THCVA are very rare. 

With the present advancement in technology, selective breeding, and selection methods, the propagation of plants composing THCV has been made easier. Now, the formation of THCV products has become rampant and easily spread to users across America. 

THCV offers many unique benefits when it is compared to other cannabinoids. It has therapeutic properties as well as physiological benefits to users. 

The Effects of THCV on The Endocannabinoid System

The Endocannabinoid system offers a pathway to which cannabinoids are absorbed by the body. The ECS comprises endocannabinoids which are grown internally by the body. The endocannabinoids work together with cannabinoids in the ECS. 

The ECS performs various functions in the internal environment of the body. Some examples of these functions include; sleep, muscle formation, mood, learning, stress, metabolism, energy control, inflammation, appetite, digestion, etc

Using the THC as a reference point, the processes involved in its absorption show how THC moves within the body and its effects on the body as it causes a “high”. THC interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors, and this interaction results in euphoria, induced appetites, pain relief and reduced inflammation. Although it is not a full agonist to both CB receptors, THC is an agonist to the CB1 receptor—it has potential negative effects like anxiety, sped-up heart rates and sedation. 

Contrary to THC, THCV operates on a completely different mechanism. It can be seen as the “reverse THC” which means its operations are opposite to those of THC in the ECS. THCV is a competitive antagonist to CB1. It does not cause a “high” like THC, and unlike THC’s ability to induce hunger or cause “the munchies,” you will feel less hungry when using THCV.

THCV also controls certain glycemic parameters in the body like the serum glucose. This means THCV could control the amount of sugar in your bloodstream. There is research about THCV’s capability to reduce sugar in the bloodstream of certain body types like that of mice. This does not necessarily mean that it will give the same effect in human beings, but it surely gives you an idea of its capabilities. 

Also, THCV, through research on humans, induces weight loss. The research involved the administration of THCV and a placebo on human beings. The results saw that THCV reduced the “fasting serum” or serum glucose by 10% while the placebo did not. 

The Health Benefits of THCV

It is important to note the effects of THCV as we stated above. As we dive deeper into the potential health benefits of THCV, we will see how its effects cause ripple outcomes that lead to more benefits. Let us break down the potential benefits of THCV in a way that’s easy to understand:

Helps Control Hunger:

THCV might act like a “reverse sign” for hunger, helping users feel less hungry. This could be helpful for those looking to manage their weight. 

Supports Healthy Metabolism:

There are studies suggesting that THCV could help keep our bodies working well by managing things like sugar levels and body weight. It might be especially useful for people dealing with conditions like diabetes as THCV acts as an agent in glycemic control in humans with type 2 diabetes.

Protects Our Brain:

Unlike THC, which has psychoactive effects on humans, THCV could be like a defender for our brains. It offers protection against certain problems. There are studies on this concept but further research is still being carried out in order to figure out how it works.

Fights Inflammation:

THCV could be a superhero against inflammation, which is like our body’s way of reacting to problems. It has similar benefits like sativa, and some people refer to it as a “super sativa.”  It might help keep things calm and peaceful inside the body’s muscular system. 

Acts as Medicine for the Mind:

THCV is super stimulating and it promotes mental clarity. While some parts of cannabis can make people feel different, THCV has a different job. It could help in ways that are good for the mind, without the “high” feeling.

Boosts Energy:

THCV might be like a natural energy booster, helping people feel more awake and focused.

​User Perception of THCV

THCV acts and dispels quickly when it is used. It kicks in faster than THC, and its effects last for a shorter time frame. As a result of this, many users suggest pairing THCV with other cannabinoids in order to get the best-lived experiences from it. 

If you combine with cannabinoids that stimulate CB1 receptors, you will get a subtle “high” plus the effects of THCV. Also, if combined with cannabinoids that offer therapeutic repairs, you can get magnificent results for your health.  

Key Takeaways

For the past five decades, THCV has been the subject of amusement and intrigue for many researchers in the fields of cannabis and medicine. There is still more research to be carried out in order to specify its benefits to humans. However, it has been a marvelous discovery so far and we’re all excited for more to come.

If you would like to know about other cannabinoids that could pair perfectly with THCV, don’t hesitate to explore other interesting sections of our blog. 

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