Lately, both marijuana and Viagra have been topics of many discussions, and for good reasons. Marijuana, once widely criminalized, has increasingly been legalized for recreational and medicinal use. On the other hand, Viagra has helped with the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) since Read More
Sleep is a crucial part of daily life. If we don’t get good sleep, we can’t function at our best — not to mention how much harder it makes waking up in the morning. But, many of us find sleep elusive. So, more than 8.5 million people in the United States use prescription sleep med Read More
Cymbalta is a drug used for several purposes, including anxiety, depression, and chronic pain—conditions that also appear on many state lists of approved uses for medical marijuana. Patients who have been prescribed Cymbalta may have questions like whether the drug can be taken alongsi Read More
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects nearly one in every three people across the globe. Unlike a single restless night of sleep, those with insomnia experience chronic, irregular sleeping patterns that can significantly impact their ability to perform daily tasks. This includes an ina Read More
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects nearly one in every three people across the globe. Unlike a single restless night of sleep, those with insomnia experience chronic, irregular sleeping patterns that can significantly impact their ability to perform daily tasks. This includes an ina Read More
Posted by Marijuana Doctors on 10/10/2018 in Medical Marijuana Medical content reviewed by Dr. Joseph Rosado, MD, M.B.A, Chief Medical Officer Medical marijuana has the potential to relieve a wide range of symptoms and conditions. But, like any other kind of medicine, it has side effects Read More
Mention cannabidiol (CBD) oil, which contains CBD extracts from the cannabis plant, and you’re bound to get an earful from your best friend, friends of friends, even your hairdresser about the risks and benefits. It seems everybody’s an expert. We’ve dissected eight common CBD oi Read More
Medical marijuana has been shown to work as a sleep aid for patients with insomnia. Its flexibility and lack of dangerous side effects provide relief when traditional sleep medicine won’t. But, with this versatility also comes many options for patients to navigate, including product Read More
Our bodies need sleep to maintain themselves. So, when you don’t get enough of it, you can face a wide range of health risks. Plus, getting through the day on a small amount of sleep isn’t pleasant to experience. Insomnia and other sleep disorders can cause you to get insufficient Read More
Sleep is one of the most important factors of being healthy. But, many folks deal with insomnia and other sleep disorders that make it hard to fall asleep in the first place. The time you spend trying to get to sleep takes time out of your total sleeping time, especially if you stay awak Read More