Blue Magoo Strain

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Blue Magoo is a cannabis compound mixture that is cloned with DJ Short Blueberry and Major League Bud. This union of two different combinational compounds is very transparent as it creates a fusion of berry and fruit. Blue Mangoo tastes very sweet and is one of a kind strain for people who adore fruit juicy berries with a floral aroma. A colorful environment forms around the consumer with a palate of purple and green buds. For some of the medical reasons, Blue Magoo is generally loved by all the patients as it prominently combats several symptoms like heaviness, pain in body muscles, anxiety, chronic depression, and sudden appetite loss.

A transitional hybrid that is hailed from the Pacific Northwest with qualities like no other. It features characteristics of a minimal amount of THC which lets the consumer not go into a high addictive mood but keeps it amicable. After a hectic day at work, you can surely rely on Blue Magoo to help you get relaxed and unwind the rest of the day. This cannabis heals from various ailments like relief from pain, insomnia, etc.

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