Best Cannabidiol Strains for Migraines


There truly is a medical marijuana option out there for everyone, and folks who deal with chronic migraines have multiple paths to take in their medicinal cannabis journey. Patients with all sorts of marijuana-responsive conditions sometimes prefer to use strains high in cannabidiol (CBD). This compound provides benefits like pain relief without psychoactive effects.

About CBD Products and Strains

Just like marijuana medicine that comes in balanced and THC-high concentrations, CBD-focused medication comes in many forms. Depending on the availability in your state, you can get items like edibles, oils, topicals and more. And, of course, you can get marijuana strains that have high amounts of CBD and low amounts of THC.

Before you go shopping for CBD medicine, make sure you know your state’s laws on marijuana and CBD. The FDA considers CBD extracted from industrial hemp legal, but some state laws may not. Any CBD taken from medical marijuana is treated like cannabis medicine under the law, so you must follow your local medicinal cannabis rules to get it.

Since marijuana strains bred to have mainly CBD still have THC in them, they also get the same legal treatment as standard marijuana medicine. Depending on where you live, you may have to get a recommendation or medical cannabis card to buy it.

Why CBD?

Once you understand the legal limitations surrounding CBD strains, you can take advantage of the numerous benefits they provide, such as:

  • No “high” if you use a CBD strain low in THC
  • Improvement of mood symptoms like anxiety and depression
  • Suitability for children — in the case of strains very low in THC
  • Little to no chance of “the munchies” or appetite increase

CBD is a perfect example of the versatility of marijuana medicine. It defies all the stereotypes and helps patients take control of their treatment plans.

How to Shop for CBD-Rich Strains

The availability of certain strains varies by dispensary and state. While a particular strain may be popular in one area, patients in another part of the country might have easier access to another variety. Plus, not every dispensary stocks the same inventory. Even within the same strain, different brands can have varying concentrations of cannabinoids. So, it’s important to understand how to navigate strain labels so you can make an informed purchase.

When you browse marijuana strains, ask for each variety’s percentages of CBD and THC. The numbers you want to look for depend on your treatment needs.

For example, some patients want a small amount of THC in their strain to get some of the benefits it provides. On the other hand, others want barely any THC in their medicine. A variety with less than one percent THC and a much higher amount of CBD can give you the purest CBD relief. But, a little THC can enhance the effects of the CBD, as long as you don’t mind some psychoactive side effects.

Another way to understand each strain’s composition is by ratios. A 1:1 strain that has equal amounts of CBD and THC lets the compounds balance each other’s side effects out. By the same token, 20:1 CBD:THC varieties tend to have a large amount of CBD and trace amounts of THC. When in doubt, ask your budtender about the cannabinoid ratio of the strain you’re interested in.

Examples of High-CBD Strains

As a starting point for your search, check out the following strains with high amounts of CBD:

  • High CBD, Trace THC: ACDC, Ringo’s Gift and Charlotte’s Web
  • About Equal Amounts of CBD and THC: Sweet & Sour Widow, Cannatonic and Canna-Tsu
  • High CBD, Moderate THC: CBD Critical Mass, Stephen Hawking Kush and CBD Critical Cure

Ratios vary by breed and harvest, so check carefully before making a purchase.

Get Help From the Best

Choosing the right strain for your condition can be tricky, but you aren’t alone. Search our database to find professional cannabis-friendly doctors and experienced dispensary staff members to guide you through the process.

Information on Medical Marijuana & Migraines