In 2017, India authorized two scientific organizations to research cannabis’ medical properties. With certain types of marijuana approved for study, research and development could lead to a national medical marijuana program. Currently, medical marijuana in any other context is illegal. Read More
India has recently authorized two organizations to research cannabis for medical purposes. Also, many Indian government officials have expressed their support for legal medical marijuana. The country is clearly at a turning point in its history. So, how will these changes affect patients w Read More
While India has legalized medical marijuana research, it still outlaws many cannabis-related activities. When a country has so many legal gray areas, it can be difficult to tell what you can and can’t do. As a current or aspiring patient, you should understand your rights. Using Medical Read More
India has recently joined the many countries that support medical cannabis research, so patients looking for an alternative to harmful prescriptions now have a safer option. But, every nation handles medical cannabis differently when they legalize it. Does India Have a Medical Marijuana Pr Read More