Complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, causes chronic nerve pain. We don’t fully understand what causes it, but we do know it makes the myelin around your nerves deteriorate. As a protective fatty tissue, myelin prevents nerve damage, but when it goes away, your nerves have no protect Read More
Complex regional pain syndrome, also known as CRPS, exposes your nerves to damage, making them inflamed. This inflammation makes the protective fat around your nerves extra susceptible to wearing down. By reducing the inflammation caused by CRPS, you can protect your nerves from further Read More
Since we don’t entirely understand the cause of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), we don’t know how to cure it completely. So, we instead focus on reducing a patient’s symptoms as much as possible. Mainly, doctors try to address pain, which we know is the primary symptom of Read More
While we talk a lot about the physical effects of conditions like complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), we don’t talk as much about their emotional impact. Dealing with chronic pain is rough, and sometimes patients need a little extra help to manage their mood symptoms. Mental healt Read More